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Video Tagging panel hockey

The tagging panel is adjustable to fit your needs. We offer default panels for all sports which we recommend to use as a template when you start to add your own tags.

The panel has two sides depending on which team has the possession. When tags are green your team has the possession and when they're yellow the opponent has the possession. You change possession by using D on your keyboard or by clicking on possession.


edit tag panel w video.gif

Click on the video to watch in full screen

When it comes to editing the panel, click on PANELS and a window will pop up with your tools. Create a new one or choose an existing panel.

  • If you want to delete a whole section, click on the trash bin next to it.

  • To delete a single tag you click on the trash bin next to the tag.

  • Share it if you want the other coaches to use the same tags.

You can add more sections and tags to cover your teams needs. Add more sections, name them and add tags or create new.

  • Click on +SECTION and a new section will pop up. You can add rows and sections to it by clicking on the edit button.

  • To add tags, click on a empty spot and a popup with already existing tags will show.

  • If you want to create a new tag just enter the name and on type you choose for.

Now that we have our tagging panel set up, lets create some keybindings so we can tag events without having to use the mouse. This will save you time when there's many things happening at the same time.

The list that pops up first shows system bindings. Here you can learn some shortcuts in the tool and also double check so you don't use the same key for two different functions.

You can add keybindings to every tag. If you just created new tags you will have to reload the page before you can add keybindings to them.

If you are new to tagging like this we recommend starting small with just a few tags and then build it bigger when you get more comfortable

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